What My Clients SayI want to say THANK YOU, to Lauren. It’s not short because there’s much to say. Lauren L’Amour popped up on my FB feed a couple of years ago while I was sort- of writing my book. In other words, it was going nowhere fast. As I followed her for a bit, I liked her persistent, gentle, take charge, whole being kind of posts. So I joined her online mastermind group. Her mastermind process changed my work habits around writing and social media use. It gave me great methods for moving through my sneaky, ever-present ‘fear fences’, along with providing me a thoughtful cheerleading group. Plus there was the opportunity to look more deeply and self-reflectively at some of the literature out there on women in business.
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My book was completed and published the year I joined the mastermind group. My social media followings and engagements tripled. Book promotion began. Promotion and service provision was/is a steep learning curve for me, but in spite of that, I thought I’d wing it on my own for a bit. Lauren was great at keeping in touch, so when I noticed that, again, I’d moved some things forward but it wasn’t coming together as I wanted, I continued working with her.
Lauren and all of her magical processes now keep me company on my learning curves. Her heartfelt and intelligent listening, as well as business process knowledge, are helping revenue making, business process, and life growth. Within a three-month period, I unfolded 12 big steps towards becoming poised to take bigger action than ever before and in fact, have stepped into some of that action. It’s so productive! Honestly, I don’t want to have to spend time combing through everyone’s idea of a good business model and good business practices. She loves to spend time doing that! I don’t want to have to talk to 50 business people to figure out what’s really realistic. She loves doing that!
If can’t figure out sometimes if I’m at a ‘fear fence’, or need to change my path. She does that with me. I need realistic encouragement sometimes. She gives that to me. I get stuck prioritizing my creative bursts. She asks these great questions and provides feedback that takes care of all of it. In fact, it comes together in ways I never imagined! As a full-time day professional and forever mom, I’ve gotten to march forward with OMGParenting because I’ve had Lauren, Life Visionary, at my back.
THANK YOU, Lauren!
I’ve been a professional jewelry designer/metalsmith for over 30 years, with a degree in metalsmithing. Although I took steps to grow my business, opening a multivendor art center in 2010, for example, I gradually lost focus on my own objectives. I was spending too much time and energy in support of other artists rather than working toward my dream of becoming a prestigious, well-known jewelry artist. I was working harder and harder without the results I wanted while trying to please everyone else. I felt like a financial failure, constantly anxious about paying bills and worrying that I wasn’t living up to anyone’s expectations, including my own.
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The turning point for me was when I started to look at what successful people did. One of the major things they had in common was finding the perfect coach. I knew from the start that Lauren was the right person for me because she works with every part of your life that can influence your business. Lauren and I addressed my creative blocks, my concept of a “real artist” and whether you’re still an artist if you make money from your work. We also examined my relationship with money, and I learned how to work smarter instead of just harder.
Having worked with Lauren, I know that having a plan is the best path to success. Goal-focused visualization and positive energy can actually bring you what you want! I’ve incorporated new techniques for success, using my “Burning Desire” card to reinforce my focus and writing what I am grateful for each morning, with a “Get it Done” list to keep me on track. I regularly update my business plan and the actions I’ll take each day in pursuit of my goal. Lauren has given me exercises that really help clarify my objectives.
As a result of my work with Lauren, I’m on my way to a financially thriving business that supports and enhances my family’s life while connecting me with others on a spiritual level. I am doing this by creating and selling my art jewelry, as I’ve always dreamed.
Always pursuing my best self!
I am a Colorful Intuitive Artist and Creative Workshop Facilitator on the North Shore, MA. I joined Lauren’s Power Circle for Creative Women at the perfect time to elevate my business. I was at a point where I needed extra support from other Creatives and from a Business Coach. I was stagnant and needed to elevate my art business to another level from the “Craft Circuit” to “Fine Art”. Lauren was the perfect fit for me with a spiritual background and strong business background.
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With over 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur and 15years as a Personal Success Coach; Lauren helped guide me from my Negative Self Talk and Creative Blocks to becoming more focused to streamline my business. By taking tiptoe steps every day, Growing my own Self Belief, Positive Mindset, and living life with Gratitude; My business began to flourish. Before I met Lauren I thought I had to do a lot of different things in my business to succeed. But when I became more focused and clear, worked on my Money Blocks and Burning Desire in my business things began to change.
Lauren is very supportive in every part of your business and is a great connector! I wouldn’t be where I am in my business if it wasn’t for Lauren’s Power Circle & Business Coaching Experience.
Thank you again!
I’m a thirty-year realtor whose passion is writing historical romance novels and travel. I felt for a long time that I was taking two steps back for every step forward, often feeling like I was hitting a brick wall far too often when it came to reaching my goals and finding a balance between my paycheck job and my love for writing and travel. Overwhelm and anxiety was a constant daily companion along with my ability to procrastinate the important stuff.
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Between worry over money, getting out of debt, not having enough, more going out vs coming in, and worry over family issues such as my grandson who was non-verbal at 3 and possibly on the autistic spectrum I felt paralyzed, able to get the minimum accomplished. All this made me highly anxious which only made my tendency to procrastinate all that more intense.
When I began working with Coach Lauren, I immediately felt comfortable, able to express my fears, no worrying that I was going to be judged in any way. I felt she was able to get me immediately and my dry, often sarcastic humor I often use as a protective shield. Through talking specifics about my various anxieties and fears and Coach Lauren asking me the same question in different ways until I could see what it was exactly I was avoiding. I was able to realize what triggered many of my reactions to the issues in my life. And, through some excellent suggestions from Coach Lauren how to deal with them in a productive, emotionally soothing way from putting my anxiety about my grandson on the shelf for one month, giving myself permission not to worry about him and each day, writing down one thing about my grandson I was grateful for.
I learned it was astonishing how effective the simple act of giving myself permission not to worry about something for a limited time frame would be and how much it eased my worries. Another simple action to alter my tendency to procrastinate, suggested by Coach Lauren that has been beyond productive was scheduling one goal for the day, for 15 minutes. Being in sales, making 10-120 outgoing real estate calls a day is imperative, however, I would get to the office by 9, but then, make tea, talk, stall going in my office to make the calls. A simple change of bringing or picking up my tea before I ever got to the office and going in the back way directly to my office and making the calls for my 15 minutes before socializing worked.
When I began working with Coach Lauren, she asked me to define my Big Why and a professional goal I wanted to meet by the end of the year. My goal was to make the 100+ Club (making a minimum of $100,000) and to make a total of $150,000 for the year. I will make the 100+ Club with my next closing. I anticipate making my end goal by December 31st. The ultimate ah-ha moment for me in realizing my dream is attainable and it is the small, often seeming small steps I take every day that will get me there. Not giving up.
I’ve always followed my dreams. When I met Lauren I was living the dream of owning my own business. She was beginning a mastermind group of businesswomen and I jumped at the chance to join because I was ready to take my business to the next level. This was my opportunity to create a new strategic plan with the support and feedback from other business leaders. What I took away from the experience were the tools necessary to become less of a follower of dreams and more of a practitioner of mastering the manifestation of my dreams. Every practitioner needs a great coach.
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Fast forward ten years and I am comfortable at the higher frequency of vibration that I believe I was maintaining. But like a grand piano – everyone needs a tune-up now and then. I was faced with an issue I really needed help with. Like a child, I was procrastinating and stuck as to how to work with this new issue in my life and sought Lauren out for help. With much love and humor, Lauren became my Success Coach. She became my sounding board, my “amplifier to the Universe” and had the tuning fork I needed to reset the level of frequency in my vibration that I didn’t even realize I needed.
I thought it was one issue. But when she broke it down, like an iron chef with impossible ingredients and limited time, she assisted me in creating the masterpiece that became my stronger, healthier, happier perspective on life. My next phase in life and my new reality. She integrated the issue I presented her with into a manageable plan that I could continue with on my own, all by being my authentic self. In addition, she showed me how my influence could improve situations I considered out of my control. My authentic self was re-energized just by answering the hard questions and doing the homework she asked of me.
While we were working together and since our last coaching session, mountains began to move, and continue to move. My energy has become contagious. The doubters have become believers. And the antagonists no longer can take away my energy and have completely given up trying.
“Be yourself – not the idea of what you think somebody else’s idea of yourself should be.” Henry David Thoreau.