Did you know that 92% of New Year’s resolutions are NOT kept?
Find out why below and what you can do about avoiding that statistic….
GID Victory
The good news is, you do not have to become a member of the “Lost Resolutions Club” and join the majority of people who don’t achieve their goals for 2019!  Simply follow the instructions below. 
Even though your New Year’s resolutions are nine months in the past now, and the focus on goals you set then may have wavered as real life got in the way of productivity, as a success coach I would tell you “do not give up.”
In fact, I would tell you it’s crucial that you do not! You may want to re-examine, re-evaluate and make some changes to your goals but do not give up.
Why?  (Hint: A very important little-known component to success)
Worse than not achieving your goals, it is disastrous to your mindset and subconscious thinking when your un-met goals aren’t consciously addressed.  I know, because I spend my days working with the subconscious minds of women as part of practice.
When you don’t consciously empower your goals and your lives, you may have a tendency to be very harsh, critical and judgmental of yourselves and that can set you up for future failure. You don’t want to do that, you deserve so much more!  
Clarity is Queen
When it Comes to Achieving Your Goals
Everyday life (and the surprises that life throws at you) can get in the way of achieving goals. This happens more when your goals lack specificity and clarity. Something like “lose weight in 2019” or “earn more at work” lack a specific and dedicated plan to actually achieving anything. The goals seem too large, too amorphous, and too unobtainable.
Before you abandon 2019’s ambitions completely, take some time to reevaluate where you are vs. where you want to be. Will your current strategic plan get you to your goal, or do you need to reconfigure the way forward to achieve more success?
Whatever you decide, allow yourself the freedom to evaluate your plan and make a conscious decision moving forward, even if it’s to put off a goal for 2020.  
This will go a long way in preventing any negative thinking like some that I heard last week from clients, “I’m a failure, I can’t seem to get enough done, I never reach my goals.” Remember, none of this is true!
Here is what you need to do instead…….
Pay Attention to the Three A’s of Achievement
This type of productivity organization destroys confusion, erases procrastination, and stops you from feeling overwhelmed or badly about yourself.
1 – Accuracy
Create clear, accurate, and honest goals for yourself. Instead of vague hopes and dreams take time to feel into what your  “Big Dream” is and then create a detailed list of every mini-goal that will help you achieve the major ones. Instead of “make more money,” build a specific plan to get a certain number of new clients, take three new training classes, or apply law of attraction principles. 
2 – Accountability
When it comes to achieving goals, having an accountability partner helps. Support from a like-minded, non-judgmental spouse, parent, close friend, or online group keeps you on track and honest about your progress.
If you do not have an outside source for this type of assistance, create your own accountability system. Use a habit-builder app, create a chart to hang on your wall, or use a journal to both write down goals and record progress.
Simply recording your, “Wins” on a daily basis has tremendous affirmative power to keep your willpower intact and help you stay on your selected path.
3 – Aligned Action
All the goal-setting, planning, and support in the world will never help you achieve your goals or increase your manifestation if you do not take action.
“Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is take action.” ~Mike Dooley
With precise and accurate goals that are aligned with your “Life’s Purpose,” the steps necessary to achieve are spelled out for you. For example, you must reach out to more clients, implement your social media strategy, take a walk after work or whatever other specific tasks your goals require.
The three A’s of achievement and manifestation do not guarantee you meet all your goals for the year. In the end, your mindset, willpower, and ability to manage flow represent the most important tools you have available to you.
However, paying attention to the, “Three A’s” does greatly increase the chances that your energy and effort align with an actionable and achievable plan to finally succeed at manifesting those New Year’s resolutions.
Here’s to making 2019 your most successful year yet! (Remember it’s not too late)
If you’re struggling to create clarity and want help developing a simple “Manifesting Success Plan” so that you can reach your goals for 2019, book a complimentary coaching chat with me here: https://calendly.com/coachlaurenlamour/30min
I’ll send you an easy-to-follow worksheet and you can begin right away.  
 Here’s to you becoming a member of the “Get-it-Done Club!”