I recently was reminded of Seneca’s quote, “Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity,” ‘in a big way last week!
I was helping my husband and the nonprofit he runs to promote National Read to a Child Day, a day that is the brainchild of my husband’s designed to highlight the children’s literacy crisis in the US and show how reading aloud can significantly help.
Reading aloud to children has been proven to have tremendous value and multiple benefits including increased self-esteem and literacy skills among the most at-risk.
In order to help him promote this message he and his organization created multiple celebrity events across the country, where politicians, professional athletes (including Super Bowl and World Series champs) and well known authors read to large groups of children on October 8th and then spread the word via social media.
My husband asked me to join him as part of his social media team at one of the Los Angeles read aloud events, with Patriot’s Super Bowl Champ and author, Malcolm Mitchell and Los Angeles Rams Pro-Bowler, Todd Gurley, to manage the Facebook live-stream.
As you can imagine there were many people creating live stream events at that program as these two celebrity athletes read aloud from Malcolm Mitchell’s book, “The Magicians Hat” to over 500 children.
However, as luck would have it, the NFL decided to share ours!
We couldn’t believe our “luck” 😉 as the live-stream received well over 100K views on that day alone!
Here’s the backstory:
My husband and his organization were prepared to meet this huge opportunity and so it truly was lucky.
Conversely, it would have been highly unfortunate, or unlucky, if they had not been prepared.
How did they prepare?
Over the years they have created many opportunities and avenues for interested parties; donors, volunteers and financial supporters to get involved and help thousands of low-income children who are struggling with reading to receive an adult reading mentor in order to help children develop a love of reading and increase their literacy skills.
They took the time to develop authentic, solid win/win top to bottom relationships.
As my friend and author Bob Burg would say, they have a real “Go-Giver” attitude and approach to their partnerships and collaborations and therefore the rising tide lifts all boats and everyone wins.
Be a “Go-Giver” and create relationships that make your partners know, like and trust you.
Case in point and back to the NFL story.
My husband took the time to make many connections and conduct numerous events with NFL organizations over the years (know) and offered value by aligning the NFL with a great nonprofit and cause (like) and continued to show his good stewardship of his organization and ability to execute successful collaborative events(trust)…… so when the time was right, the Universe aligned and the NFL shared OUR live-stream to over 100,000 people and counting!
The moral of this story:
Start now, be prepared and expect “The Universe” to bring you the luck you desire!
And most importantly, show up!
What if I had said, “No,” I’m too busy or tired. I’ll do the live-stream at the next event. “
I could have easily said this especially since we had no idea if it would get picked up and shared by anyone, let alone the NFL.
None of it would have happened because there wasn’t anyone else to do it.
I hope this story serves to remind you of your brilliance and that you too are worthy of luck and good fortune.
In the meantime, here’s to manifesting more luck in your life!
(P.S.: There is a more personal and raw Part 2 of this story having to do with my facial paralysis and a block I have been working with around being seen! More about that in next month’s newsletter. Let’s just say “The Universe” has a sense of humor!)
Three questions you can ask yourself right now
to help you align with “Lady Luck.”
1)     What is the Big Dream in your life or business that you want to prepare for?
2)     What is one step you can take today and every day for just 15 minutes to help prepare you for opportunity?
3)     When will you start?
If you need help in answering any of these questions, feel free to book a complimentary coaching conversation HERE https://calendly.com/coachlaurenlamour/coaching-conversation today and we’ll get you started right away!